Remember when you were a child and you visited a place and the memory would leave such an impression on you, you’d remember it like it was yesterday?

The first time I paid a visit to Daylesford was when I first moved here to Melbourne, some ten years ago; with a different set of friends; in a different time of my life; and I was certainly in a different space in my life. And even though years have come and gone and I’ve evolved and since been back, the memories of that initial visit remain strong in the recesses of my mind.

And so it is that anyone who’s been to Daylesford can tell you that they have memories of the place. We might all have stories, or perhaps different renditions of stories, but you can be sure they will be of fond memories of happy moments shared.

Daylesford is situated just 90 minutes from Melbourne city, and really is a must-visit for anyone eager to discover yet another side of Victoria’s multi-faceted personality.

Hepburn Springs near Daylesford is well-known for being spa county. Perfect for a girl’s weekend trip or a romantic couple’s getaway, there are few other places in Victoria that provide quite the same healing and relaxing characteristics.

After all, no other can claim the highest concentration of mineral springs in the country. And combined with a choice of therapists and spiritual healers, Daylesford has won a reputation for being the ‘go-to’ place for holistic health services and a place of healing.

During his recent visit to Daylesford, James also made the time to stop into the Convent Gallery, and wander through the three levels and eight exhibition spaces to appreciate local, national and international artworks on display. Perched high on the Wombat Hill Botanical Gardens, this historic 19th century mansion provides breathtaking views of Daylesford and as you can see from the photos, a worthy visit.

And not to be missed was Frangos & Frangos, a dining experience from the loving hands of Jim & Dianne Frangos. Expect to be dazzled by a collection of food, contemporary fashion, luxury and design passion at this establishment.

A perfect way to end a memorable trip. One of which I’m sure James will remember for a long time. Just like I remember my time in Daylesford and can’t wait for my next visit back!

Text: Nina Mostafa
Images: James Ser

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